Sunday, September 12, 2010

I knew you would Come

**Ladies, I was told when I was 17 that I had ovarian failure and would never be able to have kids. I love kids wholeheartedly and know that when the time is right God will bring me a caring devoted husband and a child will come, this was written for that future child**

~I knew you would come~

Beautiful child

We knew you would come
Although the time was not clear

In God's word it says children are the light
So we knew you would come
You are the miracle to which i look to and know God is real
I was told no, but he said yes

You are my happiness

Your dad and I prayed daily, unified in one body for your arrival

We held hands, hoped and wondered for your Survival

Because you see my child, I am special inside, unlike other moms

Not your average Tom

But we trusted in our creator, savior and powerful father

Now we look deep into your eyes, excstatic to hold you

Forever our boo, made from two and loved, cherished and held true

God tells us to pray, and want what he wants through us!

We had to trust, we would not combust, but pray and trust
Because my child, in your eyes, i see life, I see our God

That's how I knew you would come.

** There are many ladies out there who for various reasons are told medically they cannot have kids, Stay deep in focused prayer ladies, His love shines through always and he always comes through**

(Ladies, this is my Godson!!)


  1. oh my sweet friend...
    God does indeed provide miracles, stay in prayer. Each and every time you come to my house you are surrounded by three of his miracles. Jim and I were told we would never have children because I do not ovulate normally, I was 19. I despaired and tried to make Jim divorce me since I knew he wanted a large family. He didn't as you know... and God soothed my soul. Then He proved his might over and over again....

  2. Heather,
    I love going to your house, your children are such a blessing and so fun to be around! And your cooking is amazing as well, which reminds me I need to get your dishes back to you. Ya the Dr's told me that I would never have kids at age 17 as if it was no big deal. I got angry at first, but now I trust that God will take care of everything that is to be. I am so glad that God took care of you, that amazing and such a blessing worth shouting about!!!!!

  3. Keep on believing Misty. You're in my prayers. God can do miracles.
